(800) 222 1222

Annual Poster Contest Rules

>>>Annual Poster Contest Rules
Annual Poster Contest Rules 2025-01-28T10:35:18-08:00

Oops! We had the wrong zip code in our mailing address. Your poster will most likely be forwarded on to us. But, we apologize for the inconvenience if your poster entry was returned. Please send it again! Our correct address is:

Washington Poison Center
155 NE 100th St, Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98125

Because of this mistake, we have extended the entry deadline to February 14.

It’s time to put your creativity to the test! Washington Poison Center and Seattle Children’s are inviting students from Kindergarten through 12th grade to take up their markers, colored pencils, and paintbrushes to participate in our 19th annual Poison Prevention Poster Contest!  This year’s theme is “Pick Your Poison.”

Here’s how it works:

  1. Pick a poison: choose a harmful substance (like a chemical, toxic plant, or local venomous animal)
  2. Learn about it: explore how your selected poison affects people and how people can stay safe
  3. Get creative: design a unique, eye-catching poster to share what you’ve learned
  4. Win a prize: winners will be celebrated in multiple age categories

Your artwork can make a difference by educating our communities about poison prevention. We can’t wait to see your submissions!

Contest Schedule:

  • Contest begins: December 16, 2024
  • Submit your poster by: February 14, 2025
  • Posters will be judged by Washington Poison Center and Seattle Children’s staff throughout February 2025
  • Winners will be announced during National Poison Prevention Week: March 16-22, 2025

Our winners:

  • We will select the top winner within 4 age groups:
    • Kindergarten – 2nd grade
    • 3rd – 5th grade
    • 6th – 8th grade
    • 9th – 12th grade
  • Our younger winners (Kindergarten – 5th grade) will receive a variety of prizes, including gift cards to local businesses and a class party (with a visit from the one and only Mr. Yuk!)
  • Our 6th-8th grade and high school winners will receive an iPad and a visit with their local legislators
  • All of our winners will be recognized in a Washington Poison Center press release, newsletter, and on our social media platforms!

Contest rules

  • Accepted forms of art: painting, drawing, digital art, comic, collage. AI generated art will not be accepted.
  • Eligibility requirements: any Washington student in Kindergarten – 12th grade. Students may be home schooled, in private school, or public school.
  • Your poster must include a reference to calling the Washington Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222
    • Optional: depending on the poison you choose, you may include a reference to using Mr. Yuk stickers
  • Only one poster submission per child
  • We welcome parent, caregiver, and teacher involvement! We encourage you to support your young artists as they pick their poison, design their poster, and submit. Please let their imaginations lead, though, so the posters are authentic expressions of their creativity and insights.
  • The Washington Poison Center reserves the right to edit the poster for clarity.

Submit your entry by February 14

  • Format: 8.5 x 11″ paper
  • A parent or legal guardian must complete the required entry form
  • Mail your entry to:
    Washington Poison Center
    155 NE 100th St, Suite 100
    Seattle, WA 98125
  • Teachers may submit a packet of entries, provided each entry has an accompanying submission form
  • Emailed submissions will not be judged

Need some inspiration?

The purpose of our poster contest is the same as our mission: to prevent and reduce harm from poisoning through expertise, collaboration, and education.

By participating, you will:

  • Increase your knowledge of household poisoning and prevention
  • Increase your knowledge of the services the Washington Poison Center provides
  • Develop language around household poisoning prevention
  • Develop awareness of and confidence in your personal role in poison prevention

Resources for schools & organizations

Have questions?  Email mryuk@wapc.org.