(800) 222 1222

Hospital Engagement

>>Hospital Engagement
Hospital Engagement 2025-03-11T11:51:58-07:00

The Washington Poison Center’s Partnership in Healthcare campaign is the opportunity for individual hospitals, healthcare systems, and our other partners in healthcare to make an investment in continued access to expert medical toxicologists 24/7/365.

In FY2024, the Washington Poison Center has handled over 119,731 calls, resulting in 62,166 exposures cases which involved a healthcare facility.  

We have seen a 2.3% increase in cases involving healthcare facilities – now more than 27% of our cases come from a Healthcare Facility.

The Washington Poison Center provides hospitals and healthcare systems with:

  1. Direct access 1 (800) number dedicated to hospitals and first responders for immediate support from expert-level certified Specialists in Poison Information (CSPIs).
  2. Unlimited access to board-certified physician medical toxicologists for telephone consultations, 24/7/365.
  3. Wraparound care for patients from dedicated call center staff until case is resolved. WAPC Staff follow up with phone calls until the case is closed.
  4. Translation services available in over 160 languages for non-English speaking patients.
  5. Clinical education training from our board-certified physician medical toxicologists on a variety of timely and relevant healthcare topics affecting the delivery of healthcare.
  6. Real-time data surveillance that identifies emerging public health trends.

The investment made by our Washington State hospitals and healthcare systems has contributed to our ability to continue to provide vital public health safety net resources for all Washingtonians.



For more information about our 2025 Partnership in Healthcare Campaign, please contact Michele Meaker, Director of Development and Grant Management at mmeaker@wapc.org or (206) 517-2355.

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