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Health Care Facility ED survey

>Health Care Facility ED survey
Health Care Facility ED survey 2017-07-19T03:22:39-07:00

As our state’s provider of immediate, free and expert treatment advice in the case of exposure to poisonous, hazardous, or toxic substances, we would appreciate your time in completing our Emergency Department Survey and returning it to us. The Washington Poison Center serves as your partner in improving patient outcomes, reducing unnecessary hospital stays and treatments, and as the expert voice on poisoning and drug overdose.

  • If you are replying for more than one facility, PLEASE fill out a separate survey for each one.
  • We would like to add this email to our electronic news for updates on Toxic Trends, important public health alerts, and other PC news. (If you wish to OPT OUT please check the box below)
  • Check all that apply.
  • Who is the best person to contact regarding scheduling an educational presentation to your emergency department?