(800) 222 1222

Toxic Trends Report* E-Cigarettes- August 29, 2014

>>>>Toxic Trends Report* E-Cigarettes- August 29, 2014
Toxic Trends Report* E-Cigarettes- August 29, 2014 2017-08-03T14:54:07-07:00

The phenomenon of “vaping” (using an E-cigarette, which resembles smoking) and availability of E-cigarettes and liquid nicotine has dramatically increased over the past several years across the country. Touted as a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes, E-cigarettes contain high concentrations of liquid nicotine which can poison a child with a single mouthful. The Washington Poison Center (WAPC) has seen a staggering increase in total calls to the poison center by over 600% compared to previous years. The graphs below compare current YTD exposure totals with 2013 totals reported to the WAPC for pediatrics as well as total human exposure data compared to previous years.

Toxic Trends E-Cigarettes- Aug 2014

*Disclaimer: Reporting of exposures to the poison center is voluntary and not mandated by law. As such, WAPC data describes the number of calls called into the poison center and most likely is an under-representation of the true occurrence of any one substance.

For further information, contact Dr. Garrard at AGarrard@wapc.org or 206-517-2356.

Call the Washington Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222 immediately for medical advice if you are worried about the health and safety of yourself, others or if your child has accidentally been exposed to liquid nicotine or an e-cigarette. All calls are free and confidential.